College Savings Calculator

See how saving early can impact your college savings overtime. Use the sliders below to calculate how much you can save for your child’s future.

Years savings:

Años de ahorro:

5 YEARSaños
10 YEARSaños
15 YEARSaños
18 YEARSaños

monthly contribution:

Contribuciones mensuales:


Total savings:


These calculations illustrate the accumulation potential with an initial deposit equal to your monthly selection; and a recurring monthly contribution based on your selection (ie – $50 / $100 / $200 / $300 / $400 / $500); and a 6% projected average annual return. Your actual results may be more or less.

Source: Bankrate Savings Calculator at

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A mom watching her baby sleep on her lap

Partnering to benefit employees.

CollegeInvest currently partners with over 200 Colorado companies committed to helping their employees save by contributing to their 529 savings accounts.