Compare our 529 college savings plans

CollegeInvest offers one of the broadest choices of savings plans in the country, since few family situations are alike. Compare our four 529 savings plans below.

  Direct PortfolioLogos for Vanguard and Ascensus Stable Value PlusNationwide logo Smart Choice1st bank logo Scholars ChoiceLogos for Nuveen and TIAA
plan description Our most popular plan. Since your family is unique, we offer eleven different investment options from conservative to aggressive. This 529 plan protects your principal investment AND guarantees a 1.89% for calendar year 2025. CollegeInvest’s FDIC-insured 529 savings plan. Our advisor-sold 529 offers a broad range of investment options in an active/passive hybrid, multi-manager approach.
minimum to open an account $25 $25 No minimum $25
minimum recurring contributions $15 $25 No minimum $0
maximum contribution limits All CollegeInvest 529 savings plans accept contributions until the balance of all CollegeInvest accounts for the same Beneficiary reaches $500,000.
best for:

Any investor of any risk profile, as this savings plan offers multiple Conservative to Aggressive Options

Investors who only want index based investing

Our most popular direct-sold plan

Low risk savers

If your child’s age is approaching college age

Low risk savers

Savers who want access to their savings at any time

If your child’s age is approaching college age

Investors working with a financial advisor on their Education Savings Plan

Investors who want actively managed fund choices

how to enroll enroll here enroll here

enroll here

Or at any FirstBank location

Work with your financial advisor who will open your account

1 The Stable Value Plus Plan is guaranteed by Nationwide Life Insurance Company. The annual rate of return is reset each year by Nationwide and will not go below 1.5%.

2 Smart Choice Plans are not insured by CollegeInvest, the State of Colorado, or its agencies. However, these funds are FDIC-insured in accordance with the current FDIC coverage limits.

How do 529s stack up against other savings options?

How to choose your plan

The first questions to consider:

How many children will you be saving for and how old are they?

If they’re young, you have more time to let your savings grow.

What level of education do you anticipate them pursuing?

College or university, community college or trade school, in-state, or out-of-state, living on campus, or not. Each of these factors have different costs.

What other resources will you have to pay for these costs?

Other investments, retirement savings, your child’s savings, scholarships and grants, or student loans, etc. Incorporating these elements into your decision will help you choose the 529 college savings plan for your situation.

Do you anticipate your parents or other relatives contributing?

If other family members are contributing to your child’s college savings plan, this can also impact your choice of plan.

How much can you afford to save now, and along the way?

Determining your budget for college savings will help you make an informed decision on which plan to choose.

What kind of saver are you?

The next step is to match your goals with how you feel about risk and investing. When it comes to investing, more risk can lead to more rewards. But what matters most is what you are comfortable with.


Your risk tolerance is Conservative if:

  • you’re not comfortable riding the ups and downs of the stock market
  • you feel strongly about protecting your existing savings
  • your child or grandchild is getting closer to graduating high school

Your risk tolerance is Moderate if:

  • You’re ok with market fluctuations and willing to accept some losses over time
  • Your student is still young and the plan is to be saving for 5 years or more

Your risk tolerance is Aggressive if:

  • You are knowledgeable about investing and the potential risks and returns
  • You trust losses to likely be made-up over time, potentially with premiums
  • Your children or grandchildren are young, with time to let your money grow
  • You are likely to have other resources available when the kids go to school

Use your risk tolerance to select a plan

Take the investment position above that you feel best with and select one of our plans. 529 savings plans allow you to change your investment option twice a year with no penalties.

Direct Portfolio

vanguard logo
acensus logo
Conservative Aggressive
  • Vanguard offers a wide range of investment options, with plans ranging from conservative to aggressive.
  • Best for investors who want the expertise of Vanguard to manage their savings over time.
  • Age-based plans that automatically adjust from aggressive to conservative investments as your student grows closer to college age.

Stable Value Plus

vanguard logo
  • Guarantees an annual rate of return, currently 1.89% for calendar year 2025, AND protects your principal from loss.
  • Ideal for long-term, low-risk savers, i.e., conservative investors. Or, savers with a student closer to college age and want to protect their savings.

Smart Choice

vanguard logo
  • Consists of short-term money market savings with a fixed interest rate for a specified time period.
  • CollegeInvest’s FDIC-insured 529 savings plan.
  • Good for investors wanting to avoid the fluctuation of the stock market and whose Beneficiary is nearing college age.

Scholars Choice

vanguard logo
Conservative Aggressive
  • For investors who are using a financial professional to consult on their Education Savings Plan.
  • Nuveen offers 28 investment options including index based or actively managed funds, and socially conscious options.
  • Enrollment-based 529 plans that adjust from aggressive to conservative investments as you get closer to your anticipated enrollment date.

Ready to enroll? Select the 529 plan for you:

Direct Portfolio

vanguard logo
acensus logo

most popular plan

A choice of aggressive to conservative investments, age-based options, individual portfolios, and more.

Stable Value Plus

nationwide logo

Protects your principal AND guarantees a 1.89% for calendar year 2025.

Smart Choice

1st bank logo

CollegeInvest’s FDIC-insured 529 savings plan.

Scholars Choice

1st bank logo

for financial professionals

Your financial advisor will open your plan on your behalf. This plan offers advisors and investors a variety of great benefits.

Investment returns are not guaranteed, and you could lose money, including principal.