CollegeInvest Matching Grant Program

You Invest a Dollar: We Invest a Dollar.

A mom and dad playing with their son, daughter, and puppy in their backyard

Matching Grant Program application requirements

Please carefully review the Applicant, Beneficiary and Account requirements for the current program year below.

applicant requirements

  • You must be a Colorado resident
  • You must be able to claim the Beneficiary as a dependent on your Federal Tax forms
  • You must be the Parent/Guardian of the 529 CollegeInvest Savings account
  • Eligible contributions are contributions made by the Account Owner during the contribution period. Upromise, Ugift, employer promotions and other non-account owner contributions do not qualify for the match.
  • You must carefully read and accept the Terms & Conditions
  • You must have a Family Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) from the Federal Tax forms that is at or below the figures shown in the income eligibility chart below.
  • If filing separately, your AGI must be from all Parent/Guardians in the household Federal Tax Forms
  • Note, the AGI is updated every year

Beneficiary Requirements

  • Must be the Beneficiary (child, grandchild, etc.) of the CollegeInvest 529 Savings account.
  • Must be 8 years old or younger at the time of the initial application
    • After the first application year, the Beneficiary does not have to meet the maximum age limit
  • Must not be over the age of 18 at the end of the current program year
  • No more than one application per Beneficiary per year will be accepted for a Matching Grant in connection with the contributions to their CollegeInvest account(s)

CollegeInvest 529 Account requirements

  • Must be open at time of application.
    • The account number will be required to apply
  • Have the applicant as the CollegeInvest 529 Savings Account Owner
  • Have the child as the Beneficiary
    • Only one Beneficiary per account
    • If you have more than one Beneficiary, you must submit a separate Application Form for each and they must also individually meet the eligibility requirements
  • Be funded by the end of the contribution period
    • The match is up to the first $500 contributed to the account of the current Program year

Application Checklist

To apply, please have the following information ready:

Icon for the number one on a blue background

CollegeInvest 529 Account Owner

Full name and SSN of the Parent/Guardian of the 529 CollegeInvest Savings account.

Icon for the number two on a blue background

Federal Tax Form PDFs

PDF of Federal Tax Forms for all Parent/Guardians in the household. If more than one Parent/Guardian in the household and filed separately, please provide both Federal Tax Forms in PDF form. We do not accept password protected PDFs.

Icon for the number three on a blue background

Beneficiary Information

Full name and SSN of the Beneficiary.

*Each Beneficiary must have a separate application

Icon for the number four on a blue background

CollegeInvest 529 Account Number

Required at the time of application.

Ready to apply for the Matching Grant Program?

New applicants

  • Be sure to have checked the eligibility requirements for the current Program year above. 
  • When you’re ready, apply online during the current program year application period, noted above.
  • We do not accept password protected Federal Tax Forms.


Previous applicants

Be sure to have checked the eligibility requirements for the current program year above

When you’re ready, log in to your existing Matching Grant Program account to apply for the upcoming Program year. You can also use your Matching Grant Program account to:

  • check your application status
  • check your award history and account balance
  • request withdrawals from your previous awards
  • contact our customer team

Log in now

Frequently asked questions about the Matching Grant Program

How do I find out more information about the Matching Grant Program?

You can find more information in our Terms and Conditions.

How old can my child be for me to apply to the Matching Grant Program?

Your child has to be 8 years old or younger to apply for the first time to the program. After that, the age limit goes up to the age of 18 years old.

I logged in to my account but do not see the Matching Grant information. Why not?

You probably logged in to the Direct Portfolio, Scholars Choice or Smart Choice which means you have logged into the wrong portal to see the Matching Grant Program account.

Matching Grant has it’s own portal at

Why don’t I see the application?

The Application Form is only available during the annual application period (typically October through December)

Do I have to reapply each year or am I automatically reenrolled?

You have to reapply each year and submit the required Federal Tax Forms.

If you don’t apply, you are not eligible for the award.

How do I calculate my family household size?

Count the number of Parents/Guardians in the household and the number of children that are under the age of 18.

  • Example: You and a spouse/significant other live in the house, which equals 2 Parents/Guardians. You have 4 children that live in the house, but one is 18 years old or over, which equals 3 children under the age of 18 years old. Add that together, 2 Parents/Guardians plus 3 children in the household, equals 5 total family members in the household.
  • Look on the AGI chart, find 5 Household Size that will give you the Eligible Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) for the family.

Where do I find my Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)?

Your AGI is listed on your Federal Tax Forms. Typically on the first page of the tax form.

If filing separately, combine both Parent/Guardians AGI’s from both tax forms to come up with the total AGI for the family household.

How long do I have to contribute to my account to receive an award?

Each program year you will have one full year to contribute to your account.

The contribution period (Matching period) for the 2023 program runs from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

See the Terms & Conditions of the program year for full dates.

What if I can’t contribute the full $500 to my CollegeInvest 529 Savings account? Do I still get the award?

Yes, we will match dollar for dollar up to the $500.

Example: You can only contribute $350, then your award would be $350 for that program year’s award.

Even a small contribution can add up to big savings.

  • For example, if you can invest $25 a month in your child’s account during the contribution period, you will have saved $300 for their college education. CollegeInvest will then put in another $300 in matching funds for a total of $600.
  • So, by saving $25 a month for five years ($1,500) and receiving five Matching Grant Program awards of $300 each ($1,500), you will have a total of $3,000 between your personal savings and the CollegeInvest Matching Grant Program funds.

How do I know I am eligible for the award?

You will receive written or email confirmation from CollegeInvest indicating that you are eligible for a Grant for contributions you make during the designated period (up to $500, subject to the availability of funds).

I’m eligible for an award. Does that guarantee me the award?

No, you have to contribute funds during the contribution period of the program (typically a calendar year).

For contribution periods, see the Terms and Conditions

How many awards can I receive?

You can receive 1 award per year up to 5 years, per Beneficiary, for a total of 5 awards.

When will I get my award?

The Matching Grant Program funds will be awarded in the first quarter following the completion of the program year.

I’ve received notice that I’ve been awarded but I don’t see the award. Why not?

The award could take a few days to a week to show up in your account. Check back in a few days.

I don’t see my award in my account. Where is it?

The award goes into a separate account that CollegeInvest owns for your child.

For more information about the CollegeInvest owned account for your child, please refer to the Terms and Conditions.

How do I make a withdrawal from my Matching Grant Program account?

To make a withdrawal login to your Matching Grant Program account and click on Disbursement in the header.

Remember the Matching Grant Program awards can only go directly to institutions of higher education.

How long do I have to use the awarded funds?

You have 4 years from the age of maturity (typically 18 years old) to start using the funds in the Matching Grant Program account or the funds can be revoked.

You have 6 years from the age of maturity (typically 18 years old) to finish using the funds in the Matching Grant Program account or the funds will be revoked.

What expenses can I use my Matching Grant Program funds on?

The Matching Grant Program awarded funds can only go directly to the institution of higher education. So, any expense the school charges you for that has to be paid directly to the college. Usually, just fees and tuition.

How else are we helping families?

Mom holding an infant teaching them to walk

First Step Program

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