Change the Account Owner’s or successor Account Owner’s information, including name, address, or phone number. Also used to add an interested party to a Direct Portfolio Savings account.
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Use the enrollment form included in this kit to open a Direct Portfolio College Savings Account with CollegeInvest. Start saving for college with Direct Portfolio which offers a Colorado State Income Tax deduction & low initial contributions.
Prefer to enroll online?
Change the Account Owner’s or successor Account Owner’s information, including name, address, or phone number. Also used to add an interested party to a Direct Portfolio Savings account.
Make additional contributions by check to a Direct Portfolio savings account.
Use this form to start, change, or stop recurring contributions or to add or change bank information for electronic contributions to a Direct Portfolio savings account.
Change the Beneficiary on an existing Direct Portfolio account or to transfer a portion of the account assets to a new Beneficiary’s account. (If the new Beneficiary’s account has not yet been opened, also complete an Enrollment Kit.)
Use this form to initiate a rollover of assets from your Direct Portfolio 529 plan account to a Roth IRA,
Move money within an existing savings plan account to a different investment option (allowed twice each calendar year) or to change investment options for future contributions (allowed anytime).
Certify your taxpayer identification number.
Request a direct rollover from another qualified 529 plan to a Direct Portfolio savings account.
Grant another person or organization limited authority to act on your Collegelnvest Direct Portfolio account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive certain account information or take certain actions that you specify on the form.
Organizations designated as an agent on a Power of Attorney form or a Limited Power of Attorney/Agent Authorization form must use this form to identify the individual(s) who is authorized to receive information or act on Collegelnvest Direct Portfolio College savings account(s) on behalf of that organization.
Use this form if your employer offers direct deposit through payroll and you want to have money automatically deducted from your paycheck and deposited into a Direct Portfolio savings account, or if you want to change your existing direct deposit instructions. (NOTE: If you do not currently have a Direct Portfolio account, you will need to open a new account before signing up for direct deposit through payroll.)
Grant another person or organization complete authority to act on your Collegelnvest Direct Portfolio account(s). This means that the person or organization may receive any account information or take any action that you, as the owner of the account, could receive or take.
Request an indirect rollover, qualified withdrawal, or non-qualified withdrawal from a Direct Portfolio account.